The best end John, a rich man bought an old mansion in an Island, but at that time he didn’t know that it was a haunted house. One night, he heard a voice, this voice said :” You must have left this house by the end of this week”. John tried to seek why his house was haunted. He didn’t find any reply. The following week, the ghost appeared and he broke a lot of objects in the house. John was scared and he said : je ne comprends pas cette phrase you had didn’t been a man, had gone hier to had fought me. The ghost appeared and said: “You want to fight me”. John replied:” Yes, I really want to do that”. The ghost kept on appearing and disappearing. John wanted to know what was his name. He went to his neighbour called Naty. He asked him:” Have you got any ideas about what happened to the last owner”. Naty answered:” Yes, I did, he was killed there one year ago, there was an investigation but they didn’t find any clues, he was called Mike”. John said : “Mike,could you appear immediately” and all of a sudden he appeared. John said to Mike: “I would like to help you”. Mike asked him why he wished to help him. John replied: “ I don’t know why I want to give you a hand but I just want to find the killer”. Mike agreed, John found the killer who was judged. Mike and John became the best friends forever.